Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jackson...the first baby

This is our dog, Jackson. He is a 10 pound maltipoo who is spoiled rotten! We got Jackson when he was 6 weeks old. January 14 he will be 4 years old - hard to believe. Glenn wasn't too keen on the idea of getting a small dog at first. He really wanted a lab. But that just wasn't going to be possible with our living conditions at the time. So I talked him into getting a maltipoo. :) Jackson has been a great dog.

He sleeps in the bed with us. If we can take a pet where we're going, then he goes. He goes with Glenn to work several days a week and the ladies in the office keep dog treats in their desk for him. He eats dog food, but we usually can't resist his cute little face when he begs for our of course we share with him. He loves anyone who will show him any attention and is not stingy with his kisses. He is just such a lovable dog. We love having him in our family and it wouldn't be the same without him. Before having Jackson, I really couldn't relate with those people who were crazy about their pets and would spend tons of money on them. But now, I can relate. I would do whatever or spend whatever amount of money if Jackson were sick or hurting. He was our first baby.

And then Colin came along. We were very anxious to see how Jackson would react to Colin. When I went into the hospital, Jackson stayed with my mom and dad. We sent home the blanket that Colin was first wrapped in at the hospital so that Jackson could smell it before we even came home. Dad said that he laid the blanket on the floor, Jackson took one sniff and walked away. That's kind of the way he's been ever since about Colin. When we came home from the hospital, Jackson was very excited to see us. We immediately let him see and sniff Colin. I bet he didn't spend more than 15 seconds checking him out, and he was done.

He quickly realized that Colin was receiving a lot of attention and that was taking away from the time and attention that he was used to getting. If we are holding Colin, he wants to be right there on our lap too. He was quite jealous.

Now that a little time has passed and he's gotten more used to Colin being around, he's not quite as jealous. However, he is still quite aware that things aren't the same as they used to be. Over the past week or so, Jackson has started to misbehave. He has started going in the the trash in Colin's room and pulling out the diapers. Yes, the poopy diapers. And shredding them. Glenn quickly let him know this was something bad. Very bad. I feel bad because I know he just wants attention. But shredding poopy diapers is not the way to get it. So, I've tried to be more purposeful about showing Jackson more attention. And shutting the nursery door when we leave. :)

1 comment:

  1. As nasty as this is, my oldest daughter was getting into the poopy diapers when we brought brooklynn home from the hospital too. She NEVER EVER did this with her own, but once baby sister came along, she was getting into any and everything she could find. It's hard feeling like you cant give someone or something as much attention as you once could, but it all works out. I remember when Jackson was such a little puppy! He was such a sweet little guy!!!!
